Everything started with a Jet, but not the aircraft. 

As a 7-year-old, my dad would pack my lunchbox daily to school, and my mom was in charge of doing groceries. It was simple: my mom would screen and decide what I would eat, and my dad would be the one to pack - with love and caution - my source of energy for the day.

It started when I was seven and continued until my last school day at 18. During these eleven years, I grew several feet and inches, puberty hit me (hard), and my mother's food choices and selections changed, but one small thing in my lunchbox remained the same: a small, four-squared chocolate bar called Jet.

At first, it was my mother's choice to buy Jet chocolates for my lunchbox, but as I grew older and went with her to do groceries, It also became my choice. This little chocolate in a blue aluminum package became a golden member of every meal. Even when international chocolates like Hershey's and Toblerone arrived at Colombia's supermarket, nothing compared to my beloved Jet.

Jet, the first chocolate bar in Colombia, was also part of my mom's life: she grew up eating it and decided that my sister and I should go on the same path. Therefore, every day at school, I would be filled with joy at dessert time, when I would open the blue aluminum package to find the perfect portion size of a much-needed chocolate. 

While studying branding at University, I decided to do a research project on the brand Jet and finally understood why that chocolate meant so much to me and why I held it near my heart. In my life, Jet meant family, tradition, sweetness, and memories. Today, every time I open the blue aluminum package, excitement and happiness fill my body, and a smile appears on my face. It was more than chocolate; it is a brand that I love.

It all started with Jet: my passion and love of Brands. Because of it, I developed an understanding of Brands and how they can impact and give meaning to your life, transform a simple action and fill it with emotions and significance, and create meaningful connections that live inside of us. 

So when someone asks me what I want to do with my life as a Designer, I tell them - after eating a Jet - that my dream is to transform our days into meaningful lives.


A Little Girl & Brands